Tom Morris

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Meditation: A Dogged Pursuit.

Meditation. So: What do you do?

Just sit still, go blank, and stew?

Or breathe real slow and notice your breath

Until nirvana, or you’re bored to death?

Should there be incense, a candle - zen kitsch

to distract that inner voice wanting to bitch?

Or could it be simply about taking a break

to feel any itch and pain and ache

in a body at peace, or a state of release, 

that allows your mindfulness to increase?

Sure, zenned out bliss may not arise,

but I do grab a rest when I close my eyes.

All things considered, whenever I've sat

it's been much better than chasing some cat.

- Inspired by the travails of Dan Harris, in 10% Happier, and a meditating dog.